Monday, June 26, 2006

It's been a while

Hello all. Sorry it's been a little while. But since graduation I haven't found a part time job yet, so basically I've been just looking for one. No excitement there. But I did talk to a couple of recruiters for teaching in Korea and the search has begun! My parents are very supportive about it which is cool. But really that's about it right now. So...I'll talk to later.

p.s. You remember the thing about the one video a week thing? Well, I think that I'm going to turn it into my favorite songs/video segment. Each Sunday, I'll put a new favorite video according to the style of the month. Since this is the last weekend of the month, I'll put three videos up and let me know what you think. Can you give stories that relate to this song? Does it bring up memories for you? Stuff like that.

For example, this first video is of my FAVORITE band of all time. The Beatles, thank you very much and this was the very first song that i heard of theirs. I don't remember how old I was or where, I just remember the song. So here it is...

The second is also from the beatles but this is my favorite beatles song...

The last, but not least is my favorite rap group of all time. Everytime I hear their beats, it reminds me of New York City and if you were to describe NYC through beats or sounds, it would come from tribe.

Give all the comments that you can. The category of the month will either be, hair bands of the 80s or R&B of the early 90's. Give me your opinions!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

What to do...

Ok, so for the past several months, I have been looking for teaching jobs in the UK, because the UK rocks and I want to go there. Well because of the the damm EU thing, I can't get a job there. Add to the fact that I am financially retarded when it come to managing money, I have found myself in a huge pickle. So I'm thinking about teaching English in Korea. I think it's a good plan. It's overseas, I can save money (actually pay off retarded decisions that I have made), and see a part of the world that I might not ever see normally. I don't know. We'll see.

Here's the new video for the week. Enjoy!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Wud up to the world!

Ok, here we are. My first post. If my grammer is bad, I...don't care. I have no idea what I'm going to say, but hopefully I'll figure it out. Ok, so for my first post, I'm putting in some of my graduation photos from last week.

Yes, if you think that's Sen. John McCain, you would be correct.

Sen. John McCain and President Karen Holbrook
Originally uploaded by Herr Swetts.

Ohio Stadium. Isn't it beautiful! Can you imagine: 30,000 people to watch graduation?

On our way to the stadium!
Originally uploaded by Herr Swetts.

The famous "Ten" minus Lise. She didn't want to come to graduation. Boo!

The "Ten" minus Lise
Originally uploaded by Herr Swetts.

Well, I gotta go. I'll put in more pics possibly tomorrow of graduation. Who knows. Peace!

P.S. One last thing...I'll put up my video of the week every Sun. So for these two days, here it is. Let me know what you think!