On my first weekend here, I met my aunt and her children. Names escapes me. I'm horrible, I know. So, none of them speak English and I don't speak Korean. I turned to be a lot of smiling and nodding and improvised sign language. When they entered my house, the immediately and I MEAN immediately went into a beautiful choreographed orchestration of cleaning my apartment. No matter how many times I protested, I was given a brush off and left to watch. They were great and it was awesome to meet relatives on my Korean side for the first time in my life!
My Little Cousins and me
Incendently, when my little cousin talked to my grandmother, he said that he just met Hines Ward! If you don't know who Hines Ward is, he's a wide reciever for the Pittsburgh Steelers and he also is half black and half Korean. He's very famous here in Korea
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